Friday, June 22, 2007

Introducing: Bitter Pissed Off Idiot

Better known as BPOI, he is known for always going into a tirade for the the most inane events. On an almost daily basis you can expect to be thrilled or nauseated by what he considers to be an incredibly enriching story he JUST MUST SHARE by screaming it at you. What do these stories contain? Usually they are a variation on the same theme, mostly how the world and it's minions are conspiring against him to keep him down, and under their thumb. Everything is a conspiracy with him, and everyone is out to get him.

Watch out, he is litigious too! A natural Defense Mechanism of our current subject is to lash out with cadre of prosecutors at the slightest provocation. Some of us believe that hard work, and loyalty to an employer will get us ahead in life. BPOI believes that he is always one lawsuit away from his Big Break.

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